Box donated product will be distributed under this program to qualifying organisations only, not to individuals.
One donation may be requested within the lifetime of an organisation.
Donations may not be used to renew existing Box subscriptions.
This donation is available to organisations with operating budgets of any size.
This donation will not be made available to the following types of organisations:
Schools, colleges, or trade schools
Hospitals, organisations involved with health insurance or group health plans, and related organisations
Credit unions
Government agencies
Loan or credit reporting organisations
Employee or membership benefit organisations
Recipient organisations must be willing and able to provide information to for the purposes of creating a case study or testimonial on this program.
Organisations that advocate, support, or practice discrimination based on age, ethnicity, gender, national origin, disability, race, size, religion, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic background are not eligible to participate in this program. Organisations must be willing and able to attest that they do not discriminate on any of these grounds in order to receive donations. products may not be transferred or resold.